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2:01 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Speeding in the Sea of Stars Season 6) 2:08 (Episode 105 Speeding in the Sea of Stars Season 6) 2:24 I was mistaken? 2:27 It seemed that someone was there. 2:29 The experience of predecessors proves 2:31 that there is a time limit for passing this trial. 2:34 Once the transportation formation closes, 2:35 I'll be trapped and possibly doomed here. 2:38 By the way, the Dark Desert is so weird. 2:40 It would take me a long time 2:41 if I detour. 2:43 Just in time, 2:44 this person could help me explore the way. 2:46 Go! 2:55 (Red Fox Beast, First-level Spiritual Beast) 3:25 It's a good magic tool for preventing sunstroke. 3:28 But I guess lots of innocent cultivators were killed by him. 3:38 Am I too cautious? 3:40 Maybe it's just a normal desert? 4:20 Flaming Iron Ants, ranked 37th on the Exotic Insects List. 4:25 Never thought 4:26 I would meet them here. 5:24 No, 5:25 Spiritual insects on the Exotic Insects List 5:28 won't be defeated so easily. 5:30 It's said that, besides Heavenly Crystal Ants, ranked 9th, 5:33 (Flaming Iron Ants, ranked 37th, thick-skinned) 5:34 (Flaming Iron Ants, ranked 37th, thick-skinned) Flaming Iron Ants are formidable ones. 5:37 They're thick-skinned, 5:38 most magic won't work on them, 5:41 and the dark fire they breathe could erode Magic Treasures. 5:46 Now I can tell that Flaming Iron Ants 5:48 are natural traps of this desert. 7:57 It's not just sand here 7:58 but some ore sand containing dark-iron, 8:01 Flying ants do prefer this kind of environment. 8:03 Dark-iron ore sand 8:05 can be built into a vast desert like this, 8:08 the owner of Void Heaven Hall 8:10 splashed out here. 8:14 There would be 8:15 numerous groups of flying ants here. 8:30 Those ants are good at hiding, 8:33 and they use the spiritual aura of dark-iron ore 8:36 to cover theirs. 8:39 It's hard for me to find them with my spiritual sense. 8:41 It makes sense that the person would end up like that. 8:46 What a pity, this kind of insect barely can be tamed, 8:48 or I can get some and feed for more. 8:51 Even if I can't use them for fighting, 8:52 they can be used to refine tools. 8:55 Wait, insects fighting? 8:57 Gold-Consuming Bug. 9:12 I make efforts to feed you 9:13 for this kind of occasion. 9:15 Go ahead, show your power to these ants. 10:32 So these groups of ants 10:35 have a better ability for organizing and shapeshifting. 10:40 Go. 11:57 This is... 11:58 So incredible quantity, 12:00 it can't be that all the groups of ants nearby coming here? 13:10 Wanna run? 13:12 It's too late. 13:47 Gold-Consuming Bugs are indeed more skillful. 13:50 I guess 13:52 that you could enjoy a good feast. 14:17 You little guys filled yourselves with those now? 14:20 You do like eating Flaming Iron Ants. 14:27 But 14:28 I've already met so many Flaming Iron Ants, 14:31 after I walked into the desert thousands of feet, 14:33 It's a tough task 14:36 to pass through the whole desert. 14:47 (One Day Later) Gold-Consuming Bugs are more skillful, 14:49 but there're too many Flaming Iron Ants. 14:52 I did lose lots of Gold-Consuming Bugs. 14:54 I can't 14:55 continue my hunt. 15:11 It must be 15:13 the center of this desert. 15:15 Or 15:17 there won't be such a large group of flying ants. 15:45 The lightning has strong power, 15:47 so 15:48 the cultivators who can make it here 15:49 do have strong ability. 15:51 Alright then, 15:52 I need magical power to protect myself from the heat here. 15:55 I'd better not have a finger in every pie. 16:52 Fellow Han, please help me, 16:54 You'll be greatly rewarded as I'm saved. 17:00 It's me, 17:01 Yuan Yao. 17:05 (Flaming Iron Ants Besides Heavenly Crystal Ants, ranked 9th,) 17:06 (Flaming Iron Ants are formidable ones.) 17:07 (They're thick-skinned, most magic won't work on them,) 17:08 (Meanwhile, they can breathe dark fire ) 17:10 (and have a terrible ability for organizing and shapeshifting.) 17:11 (They're like the fire-attribute Magic Treasures which shapeshift as they want.) 17:12 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Volume 4 Turmoil in the Outer Sea Chapter 460 Flaming Iron Ants) 17:16 (Azure Fire Exotic Treasure) 17:17 (Han Li is shocked, what exotic treasure is that azure projectile?) 17:18 (It's so powerful, even the fire-attribute Flaming Iron Ants) 17:19 (finds it irresistible, it's so incredible.) 17:21 (There are indeed numerous extremely rare treasures in the cultivation world,) 17:22 (he thinks he has more to learn.) 17:23 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Volume 4 Turmoil in the Outer Sea Chapter 461 Encounter)
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0:02 网络剧片发行许可证 (新)网动审字(2024)第008号 发证机关:新疆维吾尔自治区广播电视局 0:21 WONDER CAT ANIMATION 0:47 趁年少别今朝 0:49 启程踏遍荒草 0:52 可 告别平凡寻觅逍遥 0:55 不招摇避尘嚣 0:57 奈何人心难料 1:02 藏的招无人晓 1:04 执念不曾动摇 1:08 让尔虞我诈成徒劳 1:10 掌中宝心中刀 1:12 权支持 潘刘易姚尹吴 琳小一伟 琳綦丽琼诺海 邪魔都不足道 1:16 孤身试炼热血烧 1:18 容宣发总策划 人数&淡罗 王 天姿非紫 蓉 文含晓妍 再一眼熟悉脸颊 1:20 再无牵挂都放下 1:22 行制片 顾丽娜 斩断后天地为家 1:23 从此相忘于天涯 1:25 坦荡谨慎的强大 1:27 羁绊奇遇的造化 1:29 千万年仿佛一刹 1:33 这一路破空 1:35 苦难有千重谁人懂 1:38 只求有朝再相逢 1:41 修炼尘世中 1:43 缘仇万事空都目送 1:46 终究平凡不平庸 1:49 修炼尘世中 1:53 终究平凡不平庸 2:03 露清 搭 2:08 星海尽驰篇第六季 2:24 难道看错了 2:27 适才明明有人影在的 2:29 按照前人经验 2:31 通过此关有一定的时间限制 2:34 否则一旦传送阵关闭 2:35 困在其中自是十死无生了 2:38 只是这黑沙漠也过于诡异了 2:40 绕路而行 2:41 又不知要耽误多久 2:43 正好 2:44 就用此人来探探路吧 3:25 这避暑的法器倒是不错 3:28 就不知是杀人夺宝了多少无辜修士 3:38 我是谨慎过头了吗 3:40 难不成这沙漠真的只是沙漠 4:20 奇虫榜第三十七位的铁火蚁 4:25 真没想到 4:26 竟会在这里见到 5:24 不对 5:25 能登上这奇虫榜的灵虫 5:28 粮 绝没有那么好对付 5:30 除了传说中排在第九位的天晶蚁外 5:34 拾不入 可 意 大概就数这种铁火蚁最为棘手了 △》 5:37 不但刀枪不入 5:38 不惧大部分法术攻击 5:41 而且体内喷出的黑色炎火还能侵蚀法宝 5:46 看来这铁火蚁 5:48 就是此处沙漠的天然陷阱了 7:57 不是沙子 7:58 而是一些含有玄铁的矿砂 8:01 正是飞蚁最喜欢的环境 8:03 能将玄铁矿砂 8:05 铺成这般广大的沙漠状地形 8:08 这虚天殿主人 8:10 还真是了不得的大手笔 8:14 只是在这其中 8:15 还不知暗藏着多少飞蚁群 8:30 这些蚂蚁还真会藏 8:33 还懂得用玄铁矿蕴含的灵气 8:36 掩盖自身灵气 8:39 以我的神识都很难发现 8:41 也难怪适才那人着了道 8:46 只是可惜了此物难以被驯化 8:48 不然捉一些回去繁殖 8:51 就算不打架 8:52 炼器的时候应该也挺好用的 8:55 等等虫子打架 8:57 噬金虫 9:12 辛辛苦苦养你们 9:13 就是为了这种事 9:15 去给这些蚂蚁开开眼 10:32 这蚂蚁群体组合幻形的能力 10:35 看来还在噬金虫之上 10:40 300 去 11:57 这是 11:58 如此恐怖的数量 12:00 莫不是附近的蚁众都被召唤而来了 13:10 想跑 13:12 晚了 13:47 果然还是噬金虫更厉害一些 13:50 这下 13:52 你们不愁吃的了 14:17 小家伙们这回算是吃饱了吧 14:20 看来这铁火蚁还挺对你们胃口 14:27 不过 14:28 这刚进入沙漠数百丈 14:31 就遇到如此多的铁火蚁 14:33 想必横穿整片沙漠 14:36 绝不是件容易的事啊 14:47 虽说噬金虫占着上风 14:49 但是这铁火蚁也太多了 14:52 着实损耗了不少 14:54 看来 14:55 不能再刻意狩猎了 15:11 这个地方 15:13 应该是沙漠的中心了 15:15 不然 15:17 不会有这么庞大的飞蚁群 15:45 这雷光威力倒是惊人 15:47 看来 15:48 能走到这里的修士 15:49 都有些底牌的 15:51 罢了 15:52 此处时刻都要消耗法力抵挡炎气 15:55 还是莫要多管闲事了 16:52 恳请韩道友出手相救 16:54 小女子脱困后必有重谢 17:00 是我 17:01 元瑶 17:05 日六十章 一铁火奴 )第四袋风起海外 佛性法宝 合变形的可怕能力,仿 外的法术攻去 外, 回时拥 大悦就属这种铁 凡人 18:51 改编自 集让起,点中文网站作者忘语同名小说 《凡人修仙传》 宽娱数码科技有限公司所有 18:52 改编自阅文集团起点中文网站作者忘语同名小说 JINA LITERATI 《凡人修仙传》 版权归上海宽娱数码科技有限公司所有 18:56 久五的内史泵图®州新邝 向就 图烽火三月 19:03 向盆 我杨麟想告诉大家 ②烽火三月 19:06 向 国家兴亡 ②烽火二月 19:07 向锦 匹夫有责 烽火三月 19:14 向铭 哪怕玉石俱焚 ②烽火三月 19:15 向输 我也要留在这里 图烽火三月 19:19 向 听我号令 图烽火三月 19:20 向 进城 ②烽火三月 19:21 向錳 杀人 烽火二月 19:22 向金 弓箭手预备 ②烽火三月 19:24 向 但尽人事 ②烽火三月 19:27 向 不计天命 ②烽火月 19:34 万维 Left Pocket Studio 制作 猫动画 左袋创意 WONDER CAT ANIMATION 19:37 根据活儿该原著网络小说《从姑获鸟开始》改编 19:40 龙城就是外来者的落脚之地 之风 19:47 我的目的 19:50 就是为了能活着 20:02 这是一个陷阱 端风 20:05 必须要 从* 之风 20:08 活下去 少完用多 20:13 00四豕三见 20:14 D川DT虫家三见现 20:15 OTO四家宝见 20:16 DD虫x三见 20:16 OO出X三见 20:18 OO出X三现 20:19 地之道 完成任务 之少年侠气 20:20 池女落 积累善功 之少年休气) 20:22 地之演 你们就可以从这里 文少年气 20:24 山百 、妆之 得到想要的一切 之少年侠气 20:25 名 得到想要的一切 之少年气 20:26 一世道 我等舍身取义 之少年铁气 20:28 世莲 正在今日 之少年铁气 20:30 地之道 今日前来 之少年徐气》 20:31 妆浅 就是要取你性命 文少年休气 20:33 人死面朝天 等 之少年铁气 20:35 一地之道 不死万万年 之少年侠气 20:37 之沙年然气 ANCIENT LORDS 地遂 之少年债气 20:38 之少年铁气 ANCIENT LORDS 地之道 之少年续气 ANCIENT LORDS
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