Subtitles are taken from the official Youtube channel's soft-subs, unless stated otherwise.
Character | English | Simplified Chinese | |
Narration | 2:01 | (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Speeding in the Sea of Stars 2) | 《凡人修仙传》星海飞驰2 |
Narration | 2:08 | (Episode 81 Speeding in the Sea of Stars Arc Season 2) | 第八十一话:星海飞驰篇 第二季 |
Sun Menzhu | 2:28 | My good nephew. You're the one I'm waiting for. | 乖侄儿,等的就是你。 |
Han Li | 2:54 | Without 100% confidence, I'd better wait and see. The Heaven Lightening Bamboo is good stuff, but I need to save my life to use it. | 没有十足把握,还是不能贸然出手。天雷竹虽好,也得有命才能用。 |
Zhao Zheng | 3:10 | Young island master is indeed an honest man. It seems like you're the target of their trap today. I was unfortunate to get involved and affected. | 少岛主果是信人。他们今日此番设计 看来 是针对你的。赵某倒是受了 池鱼之殃了。 |
Wu Chou | 3:24 | The blood oath between us will be considered cleared today. From now on, you'll be working for Absolute Darkness Island. | 这血誓今日就算两清了。你以后就是极阴岛的狗了。 |
3:41 | We haven't seen each other for some years. Martial Uncle Sun, you still get the same old temper. | 这些年没见。孙师叔你的脾气还是那个老样子啊。 | |
3:52 | You little girl, Zi. You've all grown up now. Do you still remember me? | 紫丫头,都长这么大了还记得我吗。 | |
Zi Ling | 3:56 | You villain. Even if you turn into ashes, I'll remember you. | 恶贼。你就是化成灰烬 我都记得。 |
Wu Chou | 4:04 | That's good. Not bad of you. You can trick me to this stage. You have the scheming and plotting quite suitable for the Absolute Darkness Island. What do you think? How about we two get together? And enjoy a happy life in the future. | 记得就好。你也不错。竟然能算计到这个地步。此等心机倒是挺适合我极阴岛的。怎么样?要不干脆跟了我?从此逍遥快活。 |
Fan Jingmei | 4:25 | You villain. How can you be so shameless? | 恶贼。厚颜无耻。 |
Zi Ling | 4:28 | Fine. As long as you go kill the Patriarch of Absolute Darkness and seize the power of the island owner. Also that day, all the henchmen on the Prime Star Island must be killed. None of them can stay alive. Then I'll follow you. I will hold no grudge. | 行啊。你去杀了极阴老鬼,夺了岛主之位。还有那日,在魁星岛上的所有手下 也全部杀掉。一个不留。我就跟了你。绝无怨言。 |
Wu Chou | 4:53 | Jeez, just turn me down directly. You even invited the Red Fire Monster. What a scene. | 不愿意就算了。连赤火老怪都请来了。这阵仗还真是不小啊。 |
Wu Chou | 5:03 | Martial Uncle Sun. You've been hiding in the Mists of Babel for so many years. What a surprise to see you today. Is it because you also aim at that land of mystery? It's a pity that you don't keep hiding till the palace is open, but you're used by Zi Ling, this wicked girl. | 孙师叔。你在通天雾海中藏了这么多年。怎么今日舍得出来。难道 也是盯着那处秘境来的?只可惜 你不躲起来等着开殿 倒是叫紫灵丫头 给利用了。 |
Sun Menzhu | 5:29 | No more talk. I assume the master cannot live for too long. If I can eliminate you today at this place, the Absolute Darkness Island will belong to me. | 多说无益。师父他老人家 想来是时日无多了。若是今日,能在此地将你剪除,这极阴岛 就是本座的囊中之物了。 |
Han Li | 5:49 | So this guy is the disciple of the Patriarch of Absolute Darkness who started his own sect. No wonder all his cultivation methods belong to the Absolute Darkness Island. Is it possible that they chased me before because they assume I have something to do with this guy? | 原来此人是极阴老祖的徒弟,自立门户了。难怪他这一系用的都是极阴岛功法。莫非此前他们追我,也是误以为我与此人有关? |
Zi Ling | 6:13 | It is a make-or-break moment. Please, seniors. Help me. Kill the villain. | 成败 在此一举。紫灵恳请众位前辈。助我。杀贼。 |
6:51 | You villain. Go to hell. | 恶贼。受死。 | |
6:56 | Don't bite off more than you can chew. | 不自量力。 | |
7:29 | Demonic Core Cloning. You... All these are your independent incarnations. | 煞丹分身。你,这些人都是你的身外化身。 | |
Sun Menzhu | 7:34 | You came to realize it too late. I'd like to see how long it will take to refine you. | 醒悟的晚了。本座倒要看看,多久能把你炼化。 |
Wu Chou | 7:59 | You wanna kill me? In your dream. | 想杀我?没门。 |
8:24 | Self-destruct magic treasure. Impressive. | 自爆法宝有魄力。 | |
Zi Ling | 8:39 | Dad. Mom. Did you see it? This villain is going to die. | 爹。娘。你们看见了吗?这恶贼 要死了。 |
Wu Chou | 8:50 | You... Don't get too cocky. I... I haven't lost yet. | 别,别高兴得太早。我,还没输。 |
Zenith Yin | 9:12 | My... dear... disciple... | 乖 徒 弟。 |
Han Li | 9:22 | Shoot. | 不好。 |
Han Li | 9:33 | What kind of cultivation method is this? So strange and evil. | 这是什么功法 如此邪异。 |
Zenith Yin | 9:56 | My dear disciple. Where are you going? | 乖徒弟。你要去哪儿啊? |
Han Li | 10:18 | The smell of Nascent Soul. But attached to Wu Chou. This must be Patriarch of Absolute Darkness. | 元婴期的气息。但是附身在乌丑身上。此人就是极阴老祖。 |
Zi Ling | 10:27 | You evil of Absolute Darkness. | 极阴老魔。 |
Sun Menzhu | 10:49 | You old guy. It's indeed you. But I'm no longer the obedient disciple hundreds of years ago. This cloning cannot stop me. | 老东西。果然是你。不过我也不是几百年前那个唯唯诺诺的弟子了。区区分身还留不下我。 |
Zenith Yin | 11:01 | My dear disciple. How dare you fight me, your master. | 乖徒弟,你还真敢和为师动手不成。 |
Sun Menzhu | 11:17 | Heavenly Corpse Fire. You even practiced this technique. Turns out that all these years, you have been hiding your real power on purpose. | 天都尸火。你竟然真的练成这魔功了。原来这么多年,你都是在故意示弱于人。 |
Zenith Yin | 11:29 | Today I'm going to teach a lesson to my disciple. I'm in quite a good mood. As long as you give 30% of your spirit to the Card of the Forbidden God, and from now on, pledge allegiance to the Absolute Darkness Island. This way, you can leave safely. | 老夫今日,教训徒弟。心情不坏。只要你们 在这禁神牌上 交出三分元神,从此 归顺极阴岛。便可,安然离去。 |
Narrator | 11:49 | (Card of the Forbidden God) | 禁神牌 |
Cultivator Meng | 11:59 | The Forbidden God Technique. | 禁神术。 |
Han Li | 12:02 | 30% of the spirit. That's easy to say. With the spirit being held by others, once it is erased, one would become a fool to the least extent, or would die on the spot if severe. I will never agree to such things. | 三分元神。说的轻巧。元神陷于他人之手,一旦被抹去,轻则变成痴人 重则当场毙命。此事绝不能答应。 |
Chihuo | 12:14 | Senior Absolute Darkness. Even I'll have to hand my spirit? | 极阴前辈。难道连我都要上交元神吗。 |
Zenith Yin | 12:20 | My Martial Nephew, Red Fire. Have you ever heard, in the Starfall, life or death is just a thought? There are only two ways, to submit, or to die. | 赤火师侄。你可听过逆星之下生死一念?两条路,臣服 或者死。 |
Zenith Yin | 12:48 | You girl from the Melodious Sect, I heard you want to avenge on me. You even offered a reward claiming anyone who eliminates the Absolute Darkness Island can get Melodious Sect. | 妙音门的丫头,听说你想向老夫复仇。还公开悬赏 说什么 灭极阴岛者 妙音门双手奉上。 |
Zenith Yin | 13:05 | With such courage and insight, if you grow and mature, you will be my great enemy. But, for now, you're still not qualified. | 这番胆识 假以时日 或许会成为老夫心头大患。但是 现在 还不行。 |
Han Li | 13:21 | Things are looking bad. It's better for me to retreat. | 情况不妙速速离开为好。 |
Cultivator Meng | 13:26 | I am a free person. I don't want to fight against the Patriarch, but I will not work for others too. I'll take my leave now. | 孟某自由散漫惯了。既不愿与老祖做对,也没兴趣受人驱使,先走一步了。 |
Han Li | 13:32 | The Evasion Technique is so quick. | 好快的遁术。 |
Zenith Yin | 13:33 | So rude. I was in the middle of a conversation. | 放肆。本座在和人说话呢。 |
Zenith Yin | 13:55 | Who. Else. Dares? | 还 有 谁。 |
Han Li | 14:08 | Jeez, thankfully I didn't move. | 还好没动。 |
Zi Ling | 14:15 | Senior. It's unexpected. Sorry to involve you. | 前辈,今日紫灵失策。连累前辈了。 |
Zi Ling | 14:20 | Don't worry, Senior. Come find me after we go back to the city. I have a solution. | 前辈莫要担心。等回城之后来寻我。紫灵还有解决之法。 |
Han Li | 14:28 | Now is not a time for this. Stay alive first. | 现在不是说这些的时候。先保命要紧。 |
Han Li | 14:34 | Qu Hun. Come on. | 曲魂,来吧。 |
Sun Menzhu | 14:39 | You old guy. If I didn't escape from the Absolute Darkness Island, I might be an independent incarnation of yours now. | 老东西。若是当年我没逃出这极阴岛,是不是现在已经变成你的一具身外化身了。 |
Zenith Yin | 14:52 | My dear disciple. Don't be so cold. That's how the master of your master, and the master of that experienced. But we're better than you. We didn't escape. But. | 乖徒儿。不要说得这么见外嘛。师父的师父,师父的师父的师父,都是这样过来的。不过,我们比你厉害些。不是逃走。而是。 |
Zenith Yin | 15:17 | So. You're too naive. You're too naive to be the successor of the Absolute Darkness Island. Give me back the Missing Map of Void Heaven. There's no need for you to keep it. | 所以啊,你还是太天真了。不适合做我极阴岛的传人。把虚天残图 还给老夫吧。你拿着也没用。 |
Zenith Yin | 15:34 | This way, I may show some mercy and turn you into an independent incarnation later. | 这样。说不定老夫会大发慈悲。晚点 再将你做成 身外化身。 |
Sun Menzhu | 15:47 | Don't admit we're not alike. I should let my disciples hear these words. This stupid map, I would rather destroy it than give it to you. Drop the idea forever. Master. | 还说我不像你。这些话 真该让我这些弟子们听听。这劳什子图 就是毁了也不会给你的。死心吧 师父。 |
Sun Menzhu | 16:09 | Guys, don't get intimidated by him. With the Incarnation Technique, the cloning can only show 30% to 40% power of the original one. Though the Heavenly Corpse Fire is indeed fierce, as a cloning, he can not use this technique which he just learned too many times. | 大家不要被这老魔吓住了。附身之术,至多能发挥出本体三四成的实力。天都尸火纵然强横,但既是附身之人,这种新练成的神通,是用不了几次的。 |
Chihuo | 16:33 | Since the Patriarch is so decisive, I can not stay out of it. | 老祖如此决绝,看来赤某也无法置身事外了。 |
Han Li | 16:39 | Good. With the help of the Red Fire Monster, and two cultivators at Core Formation Final Stage, they should be able to stall him for a while. | 很好。加上这赤火老怪,两名结丹后期修士,应该能拖他一阵了。 |
Zenith Yin | 16:52 | Okay. Then come together. | 好啊。那你们就一起来吧。 |
Show subtitles in English
2:01 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Speeding in the Sea of Stars 2) 2:08 (Episode 81 Speeding in the Sea of Stars Arc Season 2) 2:28 My good nephew. 2:30 You're the one I'm waiting for. 2:54 Without 100% confidence, 2:56 I'd better wait and see. 2:58 The Heaven Lightening Bamboo is good stuff, 2:59 but I need to save my life to use it. 3:10 Young island master is indeed an honest man. 3:12 It seems like 3:15 you're the target of their trap today. 3:20 I was unfortunate 3:22 to get involved and affected. 3:24 The blood oath between us 3:26 will be considered cleared today. 3:29 From now on, you'll be working for Absolute Darkness Island. 3:41 We haven't seen each other for some years. 3:44 Martial Uncle Sun, 3:46 you still 3:47 get the same old temper. 3:52 You little girl, Zi. 3:53 You've all grown up now. Do you still remember me? 3:56 You villain. 3:58 Even if you turn into ashes, 4:00 I'll remember you. 4:04 That's good. 4:08 Not bad of you. 4:10 You can trick me to this stage. 4:13 You have the scheming and plotting 4:15 quite suitable for the Absolute Darkness Island. 4:19 What do you think? 4:20 How about we two get together? 4:22 And enjoy a happy life in the future. 4:25 You villain. 4:27 How can you be so shameless? 4:28 Fine. 4:33 As long as you go kill the Patriarch of Absolute Darkness 4:35 and seize the power of the island owner. 4:37 Also that day, 4:38 all the henchmen on the Prime Star Island 4:40 must be killed. 4:42 None of them can stay alive. 4:44 Then I'll follow you. 4:45 I will hold no grudge. 4:53 Jeez, just turn me down directly. 4:55 You even invited the Red Fire Monster. 4:58 What a scene. 5:03 Martial Uncle Sun. 5:05 You've been hiding in the Mists of Babel for so many years. 5:09 What a surprise to see you today. 5:12 Is it because 5:14 you also aim at that land of mystery? 5:19 It's a pity 5:21 that you don't keep hiding till the palace is open, 5:24 but you're used by Zi Ling, this wicked girl. 5:29 No more talk. 5:31 I assume the master 5:33 cannot live for too long. 5:37 If I can eliminate you today at this place, 5:44 the Absolute Darkness Island 5:46 will belong to me. 5:49 So this guy is the disciple of the Patriarch of Absolute Darkness 5:52 who started his own sect. 5:54 No wonder all his cultivation methods belong to the Absolute Darkness Island. 5:57 Is it possible that they chased me before 6:00 because they assume I have something to do with this guy? 6:13 It is 6:15 a make-or-break moment. 6:18 Please, seniors. 6:20 Help me. 6:21 Kill the villain. 6:51 You villain. 6:53 Go to hell. 6:56 Don't bite off more than you can chew. 7:29 Demonic Core Cloning. 7:31 You... 7:32 All these are your independent incarnations. 7:34 You came to realize it too late. 7:37 I'd like to see 7:39 how long it will take to refine you. 7:59 You wanna kill me? 8:01 In your dream. 8:24 Self-destruct magic treasure. Impressive. 8:39 Dad. 8:40 Mom. 8:42 Did you see it? 8:44 This villain 8:47 is going to die. 8:50 You... 8:50 Don't get too cocky. 8:52 I... 8:54 I haven't lost yet. 9:12 My 9:14 dear 9:16 disciple. 9:22 Shoot. 9:33 What kind of cultivation method is this? So strange and evil. 9:56 My dear disciple. 10:01 Where are you going? 10:18 The smell of Nascent Soul. 10:21 But attached to Wu Chou. 10:23 This must be Patriarch of Absolute Darkness. 10:27 You evil of Absolute Darkness. 10:49 You old guy. 10:51 It's indeed you. 10:53 But I'm no longer the obedient disciple hundreds of years ago. 10:58 This cloning cannot stop me. 11:01 My dear disciple. 11:04 How dare you fight me, your master. 11:17 Heavenly Corpse Fire. 11:19 You even practiced this technique. 11:22 Turns out that all these years, 11:23 you have been hiding your real power on purpose. 11:29 Today I'm going to 11:32 teach a lesson to my disciple. 11:34 I'm in quite a good mood. 11:38 As long as 11:40 you give 30% of your spirit 11:43 to the Card of the Forbidden God, 11:47 and from now on, 11:49 (Card of the Forbidden God) pledge allegiance to the Absolute Darkness Island. 11:52 This way, 11:54 you can leave safely. 11:59 The Forbidden God Technique. 12:02 30% of the spirit. 12:03 That's easy to say. 12:05 With the spirit being held by others, 12:07 once it is erased, 12:08 one would become a fool to the least extent, 12:10 or would die on the spot if severe. 12:12 I will never agree to such things. 12:14 Senior Absolute Darkness. 12:16 Even I'll have to hand my spirit? 12:20 My Martial Nephew, Red Fire. 12:23 Have you ever heard, 12:26 in the Starfall, 12:28 life or death is just a thought? 12:34 There are only two ways, 12:37 to submit, 12:39 or to die. 12:48 You girl from the Melodious Sect, 12:51 I heard you want to avenge on me. 12:55 You even offered a reward 12:58 claiming anyone who eliminates the Absolute Darkness Island 13:01 can get Melodious Sect. 13:05 With such courage and insight, 13:08 if you grow and mature, 13:10 you will be my great enemy. 13:14 But, 13:16 for now, 13:18 you're still not qualified. 13:21 Things are looking bad. It's better for me to retreat. 13:26 I am a free person. 13:27 I don't want to fight against the Patriarch, 13:28 but I will not work for others too. 13:31 I'll take my leave now. 13:32 The Evasion Technique is so quick. 13:33 So rude. 13:35 I was in the middle of a conversation. 13:55 Who 13:57 else 13:59 dares? 14:08 Jeez, thankfully I didn't move. 14:15 Senior. 14:16 It's unexpected. 14:17 Sorry to involve you. 14:20 Don't worry, Senior. 14:21 Come find me after we go back to the city. 14:24 I have a solution. 14:28 Now is not a time for this. 14:30 Stay alive first. 14:34 Qu Hun. 14:35 Come on. 14:39 You old guy. 14:43 If I didn't escape from the Absolute Darkness Island, 14:46 I might be an independent incarnation of yours now. 14:52 My dear disciple. 14:54 Don't be so cold. 14:57 That's how 15:00 the master of your master, 15:02 and the master of that experienced. 15:06 But 15:07 we're better than you. 15:10 We didn't escape. 15:12 But. 15:17 So. 15:19 You're too naive. 15:22 You're too naive to be the successor of the Absolute Darkness Island. 15:27 Give me back 15:29 the Missing Map of Void Heaven. 15:31 There's no need for you to keep it. 15:34 This way, 15:35 I may show some mercy 15:38 and turn you 15:39 into an independent incarnation later. 15:47 Don't admit we're not alike. 15:51 I should let 15:52 my disciples hear these words. 15:57 This stupid map, 16:00 I would rather destroy it than give it to you. 16:03 Drop the idea forever. 16:05 Master. 16:09 Guys, don't get intimidated by him. 16:12 With the Incarnation Technique, 16:14 the cloning can only show 30% to 40% power of the original one. 16:19 Though the Heavenly Corpse Fire is indeed fierce, 16:21 as a cloning, 16:24 he can not use this technique which he just learned 16:27 too many times. 16:33 Since the Patriarch is so decisive, 16:35 I can not stay out of it. 16:39 Good. 16:41 With the help of the Red Fire Monster, 16:43 and two cultivators at Core Formation Final Stage, 16:45 they should be able to stall him for a while. 16:52 Okay. 16:53 Then come together.
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0:47 趁年少别今朝 0:49 启程踏遍荒草 0:52 告别平凡寻觅逍遥 0:55 不招摇避尘嚣 0:57 奈何人心难料 1:02 藏的招无人晓 1:04 执念不曾动摇 1:08 让尔虞我诈成徒劳 1:10 掌中宝心中刀 1:12 邪魔都不足道 1:16 划合人 孤身试炼热血烧 1:18 划谷 再一眼熟悉脸颊 1:20 再无牵挂都放下 1:22 斩断后天地为家 1:23 从此相忘于天涯 1:25 坦荡谨慎的强大 1:27 羁绊奇遇的造化 1:29 千万年仿佛一刹 1:33 这一路破空 1:35 苦难有千重谁人懂 1:39 只求有朝再相逢 1:41 修炼尘世中 1:43 缘仇万事空都目送 1:46 终究平凡不平庸 1:49 修炼尘世中 1:53 终究平凡不平庸 2:28 乖侄儿 2:30 等的就是你 2:54 没有十足把握 2:56 还是不能贸然出手 2:58 天雷竹虽好 2:59 也得有命才能用 3:10 少岛主果是信人 3:12 他们今日此番设计 3:15 看来 3:16 是针对你的 3:20 赵某倒是受了 3:22 池鱼之殃了 3:24 这血誓 3:26 今日就算两清了 3:29 你以后就是极阴岛的狗了 3:41 这些年没见 3:44 孙师叔 3:46 你的脾气 3:47 还是那个老样子啊 3:52 紫丫头 3:53 都长这么大了还记得我吗 3:56 恶贼 3:58 你就是化成灰烬 4:00 我都记得 4:04 记得就好 4:08 你也不错 4:10 竟然能算计到这个地步 4:13 此等心机 4:15 倒是挺适合我极阴岛的 4:19 怎么样 4:20 要不干脆跟了我 4:22 从此逍遥快活 4:25 恶贼 4:27 厚颜无耻 4:28 行啊 4:33 你去杀了极阴老鬼 4:35 夺了岛主之位 4:37 还有那日 4:38 在魁星岛上的所有手下 4:40 也全部杀掉 4:42 一个不留 4:44 我就跟了你 4:45 绝无怨言 4:53 不愿意就算了 4:55 连赤火老怪都请来了 4:58 这阵仗还真是不小啊 5:03 孙师叔 5:05 你在通天雾海中藏了这么多年 5:09 怎么今日舍得出来 5:12 难道 5:14 也是盯着那处秘境来的 5:19 只可惜 5:21 你不躲起来等着开殿 5:24 倒是叫紫灵丫头 5:26 给利用了 5:29 多说无益 5:31 师父他老人家 5:33 想来是时日无多了 5:37 若是今日 5:39 能在此地将你剪除 5:44 这极阴岛 5:46 就是本座的囊中之物了 5:49 原来此人是极阴老祖的徒弟 5:52 自立门户了 5:54 难怪他这一系用的都是极阴岛功法 5:57 莫非此前他们追我 6:00 也是误以为我与此人有关 6:13 成败 6:15 在此一举 6:18 紫灵恳请众位前辈 6:20 助我 6:21 杀贼 6:51 恶贼 6:53 受死 6:56 不自量力 7:29 煞丹分身 7:32 这些人都是你的身外化身 7:34 醒悟的晚了 7:37 本座倒要看看 7:39 多久能把你炼化 7:59 想杀我 8:01 没门 8:24 自爆法宝有魄力 8:39 爹 8:42 你们看见了吗 8:44 这恶贼 8:47 要死了 8:50 别高兴得太早 8:54 还没输 9:12 乖 9:14 徒 9:22 不好 9:33 这是什么功法如此邪异 9:56 乖徒弟 10:01 你要去哪儿啊 10:18 元婴期的气息 10:21 但是附身在乌丑身上 10:23 此人就是极阴老祖 10:27 极阴老魔 10:49 老东西 10:51 果然是你 10:53 不过我也不是几百年前那个唯唯诺诺的弟子了 10:58 区区分身还留不下我 11:01 乖徒弟 11:04 你还真敢和为师动手不成 11:17 天都尸火 11:19 你竟然真的练成这魔功了 11:22 原来这么多年 11:23 你都是在故意示弱于人 11:29 老夫今日 11:32 教训徒弟 11:34 心情不坏 11:38 只要你们 11:40 在这禁神牌上 11:43 交出三分元神 11:47 从此 11:49 归顺极阴岛 11:52 便可 11:54 安然离去 11:59 禁神术 12:02 三分元神 12:03 说的轻巧 12:05 元神陷于他人之手 12:07 一旦被抹去 12:08 轻则变成痴人 12:10 重则当场毙命 12:12 此事绝不能答应 12:14 极阴前辈 12:16 难道连我都要上交元神吗 12:20 赤火师侄 12:23 你可听过 12:26 逆星之下 12:28 生死一念 12:34 两条路 12:37 臣服 12:39 或者死 12:48 妙音门的丫头 12:51 听说你想向老夫复仇 12:55 还公开悬赏 12:58 说什么 12:59 灭极阴岛者 13:01 妙音门双手奉上 13:05 这番胆识 13:08 假以时日 13:10 或许会成为老夫心头大患 13:14 但是 13:16 现在 13:18 还不行 13:21 情况不妙速速离开为好 13:26 孟某自由散漫惯了 13:27 既不愿与老祖做对 13:28 也没兴趣受人驱使 13:31 先走一步了 13:32 好快的遁术 13:33 放肆 13:35 本座在和人说话呢 13:55 还 13:57 有 14:00 谁 14:08 还好没动 14:15 前辈 14:16 今日紫灵失策 14:17 连累前辈了 14:20 前辈莫要担心 14:21 等回城之后来寻我 14:24 紫灵还有解决之法 14:28 现在不是说这些的时候 14:30 先保命要紧 14:34 曲魂 14:35 来吧 14:39 老东西 14:43 若是当年我没逃出这极阴岛 14:46 是不是现在已经变成你的一具身外化身了 14:52 乖徒儿 14:54 不要说得这么见外嘛 14:57 师父的师父 15:00 师父的师父的师父 15:02 都是这样过来的 15:06 不过 15:07 我们比你厉害些 15:10 不是逃走 15:12 而是 15:17 所以啊 15:19 你还是太天真了 15:22 不适合做我极阴岛的传人 15:27 把虚天残图 15:29 还给老夫吧 15:31 你拿着也没用 15:34 这样 15:35 说不定老夫会大发慈悲 15:38 晚点 15:39 再将你做成 15:41 身外化身 15:47 还说我不像你 15:51 这些话 15:52 真该让我这些弟子们听听 15:57 这劳什子图 16:00 就是毁了也不会给你的 16:03 死心吧 16:05 师父 16:09 大家不要被这老魔吓住了 16:12 附身之术 16:14 至多能发挥出本体三四成的实力 16:19 天都尸火纵然强横 16:21 但既是附身之人 16:24 这种新练成的神通 16:27 是用不了几次的 16:33 老祖如此决绝 16:35 看来赤某也无法置身事外了 16:39 很好 16:41 加上这赤火老怪 16:43 两名结丹后期修士 16:45 应该能拖他一阵了 16:52 好啊 16:53 那你们就一起来吧 18:24 《凡人修仙传》 版权归上海宽娱数码科技有限公司所有 18:25 《凡人修仙传》 版权归上海宽娱数码科技有限公司所有
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