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2:01 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Speeding in the Sea of Stars 2) 2:08 (Episode 83 Speeding in the Sea of Stars Arc Season 2) 2:25 (Green Ape Giant Puppet) 2:33 Let's go, fast. 4:06 (Qi-suppressing Art) 4:11 (Spirit Concealing Veil) 4:12 (Spirit Concealing Veil) I've finished core formation. 4:14 How come I'm still hunted down by others? 4:22 (Evasion Technique) 5:13 Congrats, Martial Uncle, you realized your dream today. 5:16 You cleaned the sect. 5:18 Martial Uncle, you indeed belong to the Starfall Coalition. 5:20 I almost made a huge mistake. 5:24 My dear Martial Nephew, Red Fire. 5:26 Today is all thanks to you. 5:28 No matter how meticulous their plan is, 5:31 they didn't expect the bond of the Starfall Coalition. 5:35 I'm flattered, Martial Uncle. 5:36 In the Starfall, life or death is just a thought. 5:39 Once you said that, I knew what you meant. 5:43 Though I made a promise with Zi Ling, 5:45 your order is much more important than that. 5:49 But What should we do with the Melodious Sect now? 5:52 They escaped from the battle, 5:53 and they must seek protection from the Star Palace. 5:55 If the Grand Elder hears about... 5:59 If the Star Palace would fight for the Melodious Sect, 6:03 they would not allow Zhao Zheng to do such things. 6:08 In essence, 6:11 they do not have a long history. 6:14 Though they have some strategies, 6:17 they do not even have a Core Formation cultivator. 6:20 How can they fight against me like this? 6:26 Two Sages of the Star Palace are having closed door training for many years. 6:29 They can't leave the Star Palace easily. 6:33 This is 6:35 the perfect timing for the Starfall Coalition. 6:39 It's said Two Sages are having closed door training, 6:41 studying the Sacred Mountain of Porcelain. 6:43 If they successfully comprehend, 6:45 they would transform into deities. 6:48 Then no one in the Sea of Chaotic Stars 6:49 could stop them. 6:53 It will be even better if that happens. 6:57 Everyone would be jealous of deity transformation. 7:01 If that day really comes, 7:03 they 7:04 would be eager 7:06 to get rid of the Star Palace. 7:09 That's indeed correct, Martial Uncle. 7:12 Also, the Sacred Mountain of Porcelain remains an enigma. 7:15 All information comes from an unknown cultivator from ancient times. 7:19 If this cultivator cheated us deliberately, 7:21 by making up something as deity transformation, 7:24 what shall we... 7:25 Well said. 7:29 We need to see it 7:31 in person. 7:36 Then we can know the truth of the world. 7:44 Thanks for the lesson. 7:46 Martial Uncle, I will take my leave then. 8:30 That's indeed the cobweb of White Jade Spider. 8:34 There is a God! 8:39 Chou felt something when he saw the back of that person. 8:50 My dear junior, 8:54 back then, 8:56 we used to fight against that old guy together. 9:00 We promised 9:01 we would share the happiness 9:04 and endure the difficulties together. 9:06 Why did you 9:08 run away on your own? 9:11 Is it because 9:12 you worried I'll make you into Heavenly Refined Puppet? 9:20 Well, that's quite clever of you. 9:23 That's indeed my plan. 9:27 I didn't expect 9:29 your skill 9:31 to be preserved and passed along. 9:36 No matter who that person is, 9:40 I will definitely 9:44 take good care of 9:46 him for you. 9:50 Ouch, it hurts. 9:53 Every time, the patriarch possesses me, 9:56 I am hurt as if I will fall apart. 10:02 Just now 10:04 I heard that person's name. 10:07 Han. 10:11 So he indeed used a false name back then. 10:16 However, 10:17 with the fuss I made, 10:20 he would hide in the Heavenly Star City. 10:26 What a pity. 10:33 Let's go. 10:35 Back to the island. 10:40 Martial Uncle Sun. 10:44 Follow us 10:47 and go home. 11:01 (One Month Later) 11:03 (One Month Later) We've been hiding under the sea for so long. 11:05 Now we arrived at the Heavenly Star City, 11:07 we can finally relax a little. 11:40 - Come and have a look. - Hurry up! 11:43 - I'm coming. - This was touched by the immortal. 11:45 New year, new outlook. This is used to get rid of bad luck. 11:48 Have a look, sir. 11:49 This is good stuff. 11:50 Have a look. 11:52 Come take a look. 11:54 The immortal has touched it. 11:55 Get rid of bad luck. 11:58 Have a look. 12:14 Senior. 12:16 Senior. 12:18 Senior. 12:22 The Sect Leader wants to see you. 12:24 She said it's something about the bamboo. 12:26 She said you'll know it. 12:27 It's quite impressive 12:29 she can make her way back. 12:38 Senior. 12:40 Seems you knew Miss a long time ago. 12:44 Have you been to the Prime Star Island? 12:46 You were in the Festival of the Two Sages? 12:53 You take care of me 12:56 because 12:59 you know my father? 13:06 Indeed. 13:07 Everyone said 13:08 that my father 13:09 was a traitor. 13:12 But Miss and Senior 13:15 treat me so well. 13:26 So there's indeed cause and destiny. 13:29 Miss Wen. 13:30 Let bygones be bygones. 13:37 Wen Qiang 13:40 is a good father. 13:53 Let's go. 13:55 I will go 13:56 see your Miss with you. 14:01 Go. 14:25 Here. 14:27 Miss. 14:27 Senior is here. 14:39 I'll leave you two to have a nice talk. 14:41 I'll be back to my own business. 14:54 This little girl. 14:55 She's still so audacious. 14:58 Speaking of being audacious, 14:59 I think Miss Wang is even more audacious. 15:07 Senior Li, don't make fun of me. 15:09 Or should I call you 15:10 Senior Han? 15:14 If it's not for this audacious event, 15:16 I would not know your real name. 15:18 It's a pity 15:19 that I cannot reward your rescue efforts, 15:21 but put you in danger again. 15:24 I, Wang Ning 15:25 am so anxious 15:27 and regretful. 15:28 I am terribly sorry. 15:29 Sect Leader Zi Ling. 15:31 Let bygones be bygones. No need to stick to it. 15:33 It is no mean task 15:35 to get back alive 15:36 with such a danger. 15:41 Zi Ling 15:42 is what the strangers call me. 15:44 And there is no need 15:45 to regard me as a sect leader. 15:49 Actually, 15:50 after we parted back then, 15:52 I tried to find you 15:54 to show my gratitude for saving my life. 16:01 But the Absolute Darkness Island was lurking. 16:04 I was worried if I tried to find you too eagerly. 16:05 I would expose your whereabouts. 16:07 So I gave up. 16:11 I didn't expect to see you here. 16:14 I guess 16:15 that might be the guidance of destiny. 16:20 Yeah. 16:22 Time flies. 16:23 It's been decades. 16:25 Before I've been in closed door training, 16:28 perhaps that's why you cannot find me. 16:32 I didn't expect 16:33 it completely would go wild this time. 16:37 Actually 16:38 I invited you here today 16:40 for two things, to say sorry and to show my gratitude. 16:43 Senior, are you looking 16:44 for Heavenly Lightning Bamboo?
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0:47 趁年少别今朝 0:49 启程踏遍荒草 0:52 告别平凡寻觅逍遥 0:55 不招摇避尘嚣 0:57 奈何人心难料 1:02 藏的招无人晓 1:04 执念不曾动摇 1:08 让尔虞我诈成徒劳 1:10 掌中宝心中刀 1:12 邪魔都不足道 1:16 孤身试炼热血烧 1:18 再一眼熟悉脸颊 1:20 再无牵挂都放下 1:22 斩断后天地为家 1:23 从此相忘于天涯 1:25 坦荡谨慎的强大 1:27 羁绊奇遇的造化 1:29 千万年仿佛一刹 1:33 这一路破空 1:35 苦难有千重谁人懂 1:39 只求有朝再相逢 1:41 修炼尘世中 1:43 缘仇万事空都目送 1:46 终究平凡不平庸 1:49 修炼尘世中 1:53 终究平凡不平庸 2:33 赶紧走 4:12 怎么结丹了 4:14 还要被人追杀 5:13 恭贺师叔今日得偿所愿 5:16 清理门户 5:18 师叔果然也是逆星盟一员 5:20 师侄险些铸成大错 5:24 赤火贤侄 5:26 今日仰仗你了 5:28 任他们千算万算 5:31 也没算到逆星盟这层关系 5:35 谢师叔抬爱 5:36 逆星之下生死一念 5:39 师叔话一出师侄自是省得 5:43 虽与紫丫头有约在先 5:45 但师叔有命自是由不得她了 5:49 不过这妙音门该当如何处置 5:52 她们此番逃脱 5:53 必然要去找星宫寻求庇佑 5:55 若是大长老得知 5:59 星宫若真是要为妙音门出头 6:03 又怎会放任那赵峥跳梁 6:08 说到底 6:11 还是她们根基浅薄 6:14 虽有些手段心思 6:17 但连个正经的结丹修士都没有 6:20 如何和老夫斗 6:26 星宫双圣多年闭关未出 6:29 想必没有那么容易就能离开星宫 6:33 这 6:35 不就是我逆星盟的最好机会吗 6:39 都说双圣常年闭关 6:41 研究元磁神山 6:43 若是能顺利堪破秘法 6:45 岂不是要进阶化神 6:48 到时候这乱星海 6:49 怕是无人能挡他们了 6:53 若是那样岂非更好 6:57 化神之身遭嫉于天地 7:01 真要是有那么一天 7:03 他们 7:04 怕是巴不得 7:06 要甩掉星宫这个包袱呢 7:09 师叔说的是 7:12 况且这元磁神山来历成谜 7:15 所有信息都来自一位不知名的上古修士 7:19 若是这位修士故意诳骗我们 7:21 根本就没有什么化神飞升 7:24 这可 7:25 说的好 7:29 究竟 7:31 是要自己亲自去看一眼 7:36 方知这世间真谛 7:44 受教了 7:46 师叔师侄告退 8:30 果然是白玉蜘蛛的蛛丝啊 8:34 真是天助我也 8:39 亏得小丑见到此人背影时有所触动 8:50 师弟啊师弟 8:54 当年 8:56 我俩一同反那老鬼 9:00 约定 9:01 有福同享 9:04 有难同当 9:06 你为何 9:08 自行逃走 9:11 难道 9:12 是怕我将你炮制成天都炼傀 9:20 算你机灵 9:23 我还真有此意 9:27 没想到 9:29 你竟然 9:31 留了传承 9:36 不管此人和你什么关系 9:40 我一定会替你 9:44 好好 9:46 照顾的 9:50 疼死了 9:53 每次老祖上身 9:56 都跟散架了一样 10:02 适才 10:04 听那个人的名字 10:07 姓韩的 10:11 果然当初用了假名 10:16 不过 10:17 我这么一闹 10:20 多半躲去天星城了 10:26 可惜了 10:33 走吧 10:35 回岛 10:40 孙师叔 10:44 跟着我们 10:47 回家吧 11:03 在海底躲了那么久才敢出来 11:05 到了天星城 11:07 终于可以安心一些了 11:40 来来来瞧一瞧看一看呐 11:43 我来啦我来啦这可是仙人摸过的 11:45 新年新气象去晦气的 11:48 客官您看一下呗 11:49 这好东西 11:50 看一下看一下 11:52 瞧一瞧看一看 11:54 仙人摸过的 11:55 去晦气嘞去晦气的 11:58 看一下呢 12:14 前辈 12:16 前辈 12:18 前辈 12:22 门主请您见面一叙 12:24 她说是有关什么竹子的 12:26 一说您就知道 12:27 她能逃回来 12:29 还算有点本事 12:38 前辈 12:40 似乎之前就与小姐相识 12:44 前辈是不是去过魁星岛 12:46 参加过那一年的双圣节 12:53 前辈对晚辈多加照拂 12:56 是不是因为 12:59 认识家父 13:06 果然 13:07 他们都说 13:08 都说父亲 13:09 是叛徒 13:12 可是小姐和前辈 13:15 却对我这么好 13:26 果然还是不觉间结下了因果 13:29 文姑娘 13:30 过去的事就让它过去吧 13:37 文樯兄 13:40 是个好父亲 13:53 走 13:55 我与你 13:56 去见你家小姐 14:27 小姐 14:27 前辈来了 14:39 你们慢慢聊吧 14:41 思月去做事情了 14:54 这丫头 14:55 还是这样莽撞行事 14:58 要说起莽撞 14:59 还是汪小姐更胜一筹吧 15:07 厉前辈说笑了 15:09 还是 15:10 应该叫韩前辈 15:14 若非此次莽撞行事 15:16 竟然还不知道前辈真姓 15:18 可惜 15:19 非但未能报答前番救命之恩 15:21 反而又令前辈陷于险境 15:24 汪凝 15:25 当真是急得五内俱焚 15:27 悔不当初 15:28 请受汪凝一拜 15:29 紫灵门主 15:31 过往之事不必挂怀 15:33 此次遇险 15:35 能活着回来 15:36 已殊是不易 15:41 紫灵 15:42 只是外人的称呼 15:44 门主什么的 15:45 更谈不上 15:49 其实 15:50 当年与前辈分别后 15:52 我尝试寻找过前辈 15:54 想要报答前辈救命之恩 16:01 但是极阴岛当时也在蠢蠢欲动 16:04 紫灵担心找的太勤 16:05 反而暴露了前辈行踪 16:07 这才作罢 16:11 没想到能在此与前辈相遇 16:14 想必 16:15 这就是冥冥之中的指引吧 16:20 是啊 16:22 这一晃 16:23 几十年了 16:25 此前我一直在闭关修行 16:28 也难怪你找不到我 16:32 只是没想到 16:33 今次会如此失态 16:37 其实 16:38 此次请前辈过来 16:40 一为赔罪二为报恩 16:43 前辈在寻的 16:44 可是天雷竹 17:11 心境如止水 武戏组 18:02 看得真真切切明明白白每一寸 制作单位 18:17 版权归上海苋娱数码科技有限公司所有
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