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2:01 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Speeding in the Sea of Stars Season 3) 2:08 (Episode 90 Speeding in the Sea of Stars Arc Season 3) 2:12 (A Month Later) 2:35 Hey. 2:36 This should be the last one? 2:41 I think so. 2:42 These demons 2:43 are so annoying. 2:44 They surround me and keep buzzing. 2:47 Thank god, Han and Shi Die Fairy figured out a solution. 2:51 Or it would be endless. 3:19 Senior Han. 3:20 Just as you expected, 3:21 though it took some time, 3:22 we finally made it. 3:23 Thank you, Junior. 3:25 I have one question. 3:26 Spiritual Isolating Formation catches demons and creates formation. 3:29 Is this an ancient tradition? 3:30 You've got me there. 3:33 I only know how to launch this formation. 3:35 About its history, 3:36 I have no idea. 3:39 That's quite impressive, Senior Han. 3:40 You can always find questions to further learning. 3:41 I guess that's why you are so good. 3:44 That's okay. 3:45 Since we've already broken the formation, 3:47 let's go meet Fellow Jin. 3:53 Senior Han. 3:54 I have something to discuss with you. 3:59 We've compared notes on formations. 4:02 You have some quite fresh insight. 4:05 I... 4:08 I want to say. 4:12 After finishing this, 4:13 I would like to invite you to Red Moon Island. 4:17 My father would be delighted to talk with such a young talent like you. 4:21 I also... 4:25 Anyway. 4:25 I hope you could come. 4:27 Please do not refuse. 4:29 I'll leave now. 5:21 (Flower Basket Freak Core Formation Middle Stage) 5:29 How dare you. 5:32 You try to steal my stuff 5:35 when I, the island master, am not here. 5:44 You wanna die? 5:52 Get out of this island. 5:56 Island master? 5:58 Isn't this a deserted island? 6:04 I don't care who you are. 6:06 The map of this island 6:08 was found by me and Jin with lots of effort. 6:11 We broke all the formations. 6:13 Killed all the demons. 6:14 When we did this, 6:16 where were you? 6:18 You're just naming yourself island master. 6:23 Don't embarrass yourself. 6:31 Hey! 6:33 Since you don't want to leave, 6:36 then stay here. 6:50 Perfect timing. 6:51 Catch this. 7:03 Is this man mad? 7:05 Facing so many core formation cultivators, 7:06 he did not hesitate at all. 7:14 What's going on? 7:16 Where's my blade? 8:24 Take it. 8:26 I'll take it all. 8:29 So many treasures. 8:31 (Ancient Treasure Flower Basket) 8:33 Ancient Treasure. 8:34 What he's using is an Ancient Treasure. 8:36 So called Ancient Treasure 8:38 is the magic treasure refined by ancient cultivators. 8:40 At that time, when refining, 8:42 the materials they used were very different. 8:44 Magic treasures they refined have limited function, 8:46 but with strong power. 8:47 And they cannot be absorbed into the body, 8:49 but can only be carried. 8:54 That being the case, 8:56 perhaps this is indeed a ruin of ancient cultivators. 9:08 You demon, 9:09 how dare you destroy my magic treasure. 10:34 Shall I help? 10:46 Never mind. 10:47 I guess I cannot escape this time. 10:49 Qu Hun. 11:45 What's this? 11:48 Bugs? 11:57 There are 11:59 too many bugs. 12:21 Go to hell. 13:16 Today 13:17 it's a perfect time to try Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Acts. 13:31 Sorry. 13:32 I cannot let anyone know 13:34 the secret of Divine Devilbane Lightning. 13:36 Also, you killed so many of my Gold-Consuming Bugs. 13:38 So, 13:39 I must kill you now. 14:01 This painted scroll is full of spiritual aura. 14:03 Even if it's not an Ancient Treasure, 14:05 it cannot be something normal. 14:07 My gain. 14:09 This is... 14:11 Vast Yang bird. 14:13 They exclusively feed on yin objects. 14:15 They're the famous nemesis of yin objects. 14:19 This scroll sealed a bit of the spirit and soul of the spiritual bird. 14:22 That's quite rare. 14:25 Dozens of Gold-Consuming Bugs 14:27 were consumed. 14:30 They all died in the explosion. 14:32 Too bad. 14:33 I need to keep growing and feeding them. 14:36 So I can turn it around. 14:39 Han. 14:40 Are you okay? 14:43 Mr. Jin. 14:45 This guy 14:46 has already been punished. 14:48 It's just he exploded. 14:51 Fortunately, I completed my task. 14:53 The flower basket took all your magic treasures. 14:55 You can now give them back to the owners. 14:57 Okay. 15:02 This... 15:04 You take the flower basket. 15:07 Well... 15:08 Thank you. 15:11 Han. 15:13 You told me you're not good at the fight. 15:15 That's a lie, right? 15:18 Who's this guy 15:20 on earth? 15:23 Perhaps he's just like us, 15:25 a treasure hunter. 15:27 Let's go. 15:35 Hu. 15:36 Han got this back for you. 15:39 Yeah, okay. 15:41 You're indeed great, Senior Han. 15:42 Are you okay? 15:44 It's okay. 15:46 Right. 15:47 I found something interesting. 15:49 Come take a look. 16:07 Junior, may I ask 16:08 what this is? 16:12 It's probably 16:14 Spirit Sealing Pillar. 16:18 Spirit Sealing Pillar. 16:20 What a surprise there is a Spirit Sealing Pillar here. 16:24 Han. 16:25 Shi Die Fairy. 16:27 Jian. 16:27 Hu. 16:28 Fellow Qu. 16:30 Seems 16:31 we're looking into the right place. 16:42 Spirit Sealing Pillar. 16:48 (Ancient Treasure Ancient Treasure has limited function,) 16:49 (but with strong power, way stronger than current magic treasure.) 16:51 (But the cultivation method and material were different from the current ones,) 16:53 (so they cannot be absorbed into the body, but can only be carried.) 16:55 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Volume 4 Turmoil in the Outer Sea Chapter 419 Ancient Treasure) 16:58 (The Power of Divine Lightning The freak still cannot believe,) 16:59 (looking down at the Flying Sword with a surprising expression.) 17:01 (Before he can say anything,) 17:03 (he turned to ashes under the attack of the gold arc.) 17:05 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Volume 4 Turmoil in the Outer Sea Chapter 421 Spirit Sealing Pillar)
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2:36 这是最后一只了吧 2:41 应该是了 2:42 这些妖物 2:43 当真缠人 2:44 就绕着俺一直飞来飞去的 2:47 若非韩老弟和石蝶仙子想出办法来 2:51 还不知道要杀到嘛时候呢 3:19 韩师兄 3:20 果真如你所料 3:21 虽说花了点时间 3:22 但总算是大功告成了 3:23 师妹过誉了 3:25 韩某有一事不明 3:26 这绝灵阵拘妖成阵的做法 3:29 可是自古有之 3:30 韩师兄可算是问倒我了 3:33 小女子只知此阵用法 3:35 对于其来历 3:36 委实不知啊 3:39 不愧是韩师兄 3:40 时刻不忘学习 3:41 难怪这么厉害 3:44 无妨 3:45 既然此阵已破 3:47 还是尽快与金道友他们会合吧 3:53 韩师兄 3:54 小女子有一事相商 3:59 这段时间与韩师兄切磋阵道 4:02 韩师兄的见解颇为新鲜 4:05 小女子 4:08 小女子想说 4:12 等此行结束 4:13 想请韩师兄到我们红月岛做客 4:17 家父想必也很想与韩师兄这样的青年才俊畅谈一番 4:21 我也 4:25 总之 4:25 万望韩师兄赏光 4:27 不要推辞 4:29 我先走了 5:29 你们好大的胆子 5:32 竟敢趁本岛主不在时 5:35 窥视窃取本岛主的东西 5:44 想找死不成 5:52 还不快滚出此岛 5:56 岛主 5:58 这不是座无人的荒岛吗 6:04 俺不管你是嘛人 6:06 此岛 6:07 所在的地图 6:08 是俺跟老金费力找来的 6:11 俺们还破了这些阵法 6:13 灭了这些妖灵 6:14 做这些事的时候 6:16 你在哪呢 6:18 你莫不是自封的岛主吧 6:23 可别在这丢人现眼了 6:33 既然不想走 6:36 那就留在这吧 6:50 来的好 6:51 看刀 7:03 这人是失心疯了吗 7:05 面对这么多结丹期修士 7:06 竟然说打就打 7:14 怎么回事 7:16 俺的刀呢 8:24 收也 8:26 收也 8:29 好多滴宝贝 8:33 古宝 8:34 他用的是洪荒古宝 8:36 所谓的洪荒古宝 8:38 其实就是古修士炼制的法宝 8:40 彼时这些炼宝之法 8:42 材料和现在大不相同 8:44 炼制出的法宝神通单一 8:46 但威力极大 8:47 还根本无法收入体内 8:49 只能随身携带使用 8:54 这样看 8:56 说不准此地还真是古修士遗迹 9:08 妖人 9:09 竟敢毁我宝物 10:34 要不要出手呢 10:46 罢了 10:47 此番怕是躲不开了 10:49 曲魂 11:45 这是啥 11:48 虫子 11:57 这虫子 11:59 也太多了吧 12:21 找死 13:16 今天 13:17 正好试试青竹蜂云剑 13:31 抱歉 13:32 这辟邪神雷的秘密 13:34 还不能让别人知道 13:36 你又杀了我那么多噬金虫 13:38 所以 13:39 还真是留你不得 14:01 看这画轴灵气充盈 14:03 即使不是洪荒古宝 14:05 也绝不是寻常之物 14:07 这回发了 14:09 这是 14:11 脂阳鸟 14:13 专食阴物 14:15 乃是有名的阴物克星 14:19 此画轴封印此灵鸟的一分精魂 14:22 这可是稀罕之物 14:25 噬金虫 14:27 居然损耗了几十只 14:30 还都是在刚才的爆炸中死的 14:32 可恶 14:33 看来以后还得继续喂养繁殖 14:36 才能扭转战局 14:39 韩老弟 14:40 你没事吧 14:43 金兄 14:45 此獠 14:46 已然伏诛 14:48 只是临了自爆了 14:51 不过小弟幸不辱命 14:53 这花篮中收取的各位的法宝武器 14:55 金兄拿去物归原主吧 14:57 好 15:02 这这这 15:04 这花篮你收着收着 15:07 那韩某 15:08 却之不恭 15:11 不过韩老弟 15:13 你竟然还说自己不擅杀伐 15:15 这骗得哥哥好苦啊 15:18 话说此人 15:20 究竟是何来历 15:23 多半与咱们一样 15:25 是来寻宝的 15:27 走吧 15:35 老胡 15:36 这可是韩老弟给你找回来的啊 15:40 好 15:41 韩师兄果然了得 15:42 你没受伤吧 15:44 不妨事 15:46 对了 15:47 我发现了点有趣的东西 15:49 韩师兄速来看看 16:07 敢问师妹 16:08 此物是 16:12 这很有可能是 16:14 封灵柱 16:18 封灵柱 16:20 此处竟然有封灵柱 16:24 韩老弟 16:25 石蝶仙子 16:27 老简 16:27 老胡 16:28 曲道友 16:30 看来 16:31 咱们这次真的是找对地方了 16:42 封灵柱
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