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2:01 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Speeding in the Sea of Stars 5) 2:08 (Episode 98 Speeding in the Sea of Stars Arc Season 5) 2:25 Soul-Taking Dark Sound, 2:27 with Great Development Technique protecting me, 2:29 I may try to fight it. 2:33 Oh, no, Gold-Consuming Bugs. 2:41 Damn it, Gold-Consuming Bugs have little weaknesses, 2:43 and attack to the spirit and soul is one of them. 2:46 It's a great loss. 3:03 It's hard to fight after its Spirit Attachment Art. 3:08 It might be like 3:10 the seventh-level demonic beast. 3:13 I'm wondering what's going on with them. 3:19 I hope they won't be eaten by those ghosts, 3:22 or it will bring the ghosts more power. 4:21 It seems that everything is going well now. 4:23 I'd better finish this quickly. 4:40 Would you cut it out, already? 4:42 The Spirit Attachment Art 4:43 can be used endlessly? 4:45 Go. 5:26 Go. 5:58 Hardly to get it injured, 5:59 so the bead is magic treasure that could be used for defense? 6:03 This is 6:04 feeding the tiger with its body? 6:06 This ghost doesn't care anything but to consume itself. 6:14 (Three-heads Tiger Demon) 6:17 Holding a candle to the devil? 6:20 The relation between these three is so weird. 6:29 Its Qi becomes more powerful. 6:33 It has three heads, there won't be another one, right? 6:57 I must find a chance 6:58 and stop this. 8:26 There it is. 8:29 (Dragnet Soul Chained Formation) 8:49 You want to stain my magic treasure? Go to hell. 9:30 I didn't want to show Divine Devilbane Lightning here, 9:33 but it leaves me no choice. 10:11 It's dead for real? 10:15 Still not give up? 10:19 Want to replace my soul? 10:21 You wish! 11:05 Senior, are you alright? 11:06 Yeah, I'm fine. 11:08 What about you, Miss Zi Ling? 11:09 May I ask what treasure is the lighting you used, 11:12 it has such strong power? 11:15 Fellow, 11:17 why don't you show your real face, 11:19 before you ask others' skills? 11:23 I guess you're also a girl, right? 11:26 You'd better use your real voice. 11:28 When we fought those ghosts, 11:33 I already knew it. 11:40 Since you've already known it, 11:42 I won't hide anything at all. 11:44 With cross-dressing, 11:45 it's convenient for me to be out there. 11:58 (Yuan Yao Core Formation Initial Stage) 12:07 Why do you keep looking at me? 12:08 Is there something wrong 12:10 with my face? 12:13 It's just been over a hundred years since we last met, 12:16 Fellow Yuan Yao, 12:17 you've finished your core formation. 12:24 What are you saying? 12:26 You got the wrong person. 12:28 My last night is Ruan. 12:30 Don't worry, 12:32 I don't mean to ask about your past, 12:34 but we did meet once more than a hundred years ago. 12:38 So I know you. 12:39 Met once, a hundred years ago? 12:43 I don't know you. 12:46 Do you mean to fool me? 12:49 At the market on Heavenly Capital Street that year, 12:52 you and Fellow Yan 12:54 talked with my Martial Uncle Qu and me. 12:57 Do you remember it? 13:06 So you are the one 13:07 standing next to 13:09 that pseudo-core level man 13:14 at the entrance 13:17 of Heavenly Capital Street? 13:21 It seemed that I didn't 13:24 make a good impression on you. 13:27 That makes sense. 13:29 With my ability at that time, 13:30 it's normal that you two would ignore me. 13:34 I see. 13:36 Please forgive me, fellow. 13:39 I didn't expect that you have been at the Core Formation stage 13:41 from Qi Condensation Stage for over a hundred years. 13:44 With such strong strength, 13:46 even the Ghost Monster King is no match for you. 13:51 When I met her, 13:52 I was at the Foundation Establishment stage. 13:54 Besides, I met many precious chances and cultivated hard, 13:57 and finally made it here. 13:59 She could be at the Core Formation stage 14:01 from Qi Condensation Stage for over a hundred years. 14:03 If she is not a talent, 14:05 then she must get an extraordinary chance. 14:09 Senior Han, 14:10 since you know each other, 14:12 we'd better make it clear, 14:17 the magic treasure left by Ghost Monster King 14:19 belongs to Senior Han, 14:22 are you okay with that, Fellow Han? 14:26 As for the dust left by those ghosts, 14:29 is called Ghost Dust, 14:31 it's a very rare thing, 14:32 It offers great help to spirit and soul setting, 14:35 we could divide it fifty-fifty. 14:42 But your monkey 14:44 has eaten so much. 14:46 What a pity. 14:48 At least, a hundred middle-level Spiritual Stones are gone. 14:58 Stop it, don't you feel ashamed? 15:16 Now if you don't mind it, 15:18 I would take 15:20 the rest of it. 15:45 (Magic Treasure: Running Tiger Bead Shadow Leaving Bead) 15:48 I see. 15:50 Life is unpredictable. 16:04 Senior, it's all cleared. 16:11 That is 16:13 Shadow Leaving Bead? 16:14 Well, well, 16:15 I'll explain it to you two when we're safe. 16:17 We'd better not stay here for long, 16:19 and leave here now. 16:20 It would be terrible if some strong enemies come here. 16:40 (Spiritual Abysmal Waterside) 16:56 Grand Elder, 16:57 only a few people are eliminated this time, 16:59 and most of them are rogue cultivators without a strong foundation. 17:03 They're not firmly willed, 17:06 just some ghosts, 17:08 why would they fail it 17:10 if they were not getting lost? 17:12 You're right, Grand Elder, 17:13 those cowards deserved to die. 17:16 Survival of the fittest animals in natural selection. 17:19 Alright, it's time, 17:21 the show is on. 17:33 (Determine to kill it) 17:34 (The middle head of that monster spills dark gas,) 17:35 (trying to stain his Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Acts. He determines to kill it, without hesitation,) 17:36 (he gives a strange gesture of a Sword Art Manual firmly,) 17:38 (pointing at the vacant space in that Sword's direction...) 17:40 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Volume 4 Turmoil in the Outer Sea) 17:42 (Chapter 443 Ghost King 5) 17:44 (Yuan Yao in Black Robe) 17:44 (The black-robed woman shows her amazingly beautiful face.) 17:45 (And her wonderful skin is whiter than snow, besides, she has shiny black shoulder-length hair,) 17:47 (with a golden hair ring on her forehead, which shows a kind of mysterious beauty,) 17:49 (what a cold and arrogant lady she is...) 17:50 (A Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Volume 4 Turmoil in the Outer Sea) 17:52 (Chapter 444 The One in Black Robe)
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2:25 勾魂玄音 2:27 有大衍诀护神 2:29 倒是能抵抗一二 2:33 不好噬金虫 2:41 可恶神魂攻击 2:43 可是当下噬金虫为数不多的弱点 2:46 这下损失大了 3:03 这东西附灵之后更加难缠了 3:08 怕是跟七级妖兽相比 3:10 也不遑多让 3:13 也不知道那边战局怎么样了 3:19 那俩人可别被阴灵给吞了 3:22 再壮大其力量 4:21 看来一时无碍 4:23 速战速决先解决掉这边 4:40 还有完没完了 4:42 这附灵之术 4:43 还能不止不休吗 4:45 去 5:26 去 5:58 皮这么硬 5:59 难不成那珠子还是个防御法宝 6:03 这是 6:04 以身饲虎 6:06 这阴灵也是丝毫不顾本源消耗 6:17 难道是虎伥 6:20 这三者的关系委实离奇 6:29 气息又增强了 6:33 已经三个头了应该不会再长了吧 6:57 这样下去不是办法 6:58 得找个机会 8:26 上钩了 8:49 还想侵蚀我的法宝找死 9:30 本不想在人前使用辟邪神雷的 9:33 现在看来也顾不得了 10:11 死透了么 10:15 还不死心 10:19 想夺舍 10:21 妄想 11:05 前辈可有受伤 11:06 并无大碍 11:08 紫灵姑娘你呢 11:09 不知道友刚才使用的雷光是何宝物 11:12 竟有如此大的威力 11:15 这位道友 11:17 问别人神通之前 11:19 先以真面目示人如何 11:23 其实道友也是位姑娘家吧 11:26 不必用假音说话了 11:28 适才与那些阴灵妖物战斗时 11:33 小女子就看出来了 11:40 既然被道友看出来了 11:42 在下也没什么好隐瞒的 11:44 女扮男装 11:45 其实只是为了在外方便一些罢了 12:07 道友看够了没有 12:08 小女子的脸上 12:10 莫非有什么不妥之处吗 12:13 真没想到短短百余载未见 12:16 元瑶道友 12:17 也顺利突破结丹了 12:24 什么元瑶方瑶的 12:26 你认错人了 12:28 本姑娘姓阮 12:30 道友不必紧张 12:32 在下无意窥探道友过往 12:34 只是百余年前我们确曾有过一面之缘 12:38 故而认出来道友而已 12:39 百余年前一面之缘 12:43 我不认得道友 12:46 道友可是故意诓骗于我 12:49 当年魁星岛的天都街坊市 12:52 元道友和一位妍道友 12:54 与在下以及同门曲师叔曾搭过话 12:57 元道友可还记得 13:06 难道阁下是 13:07 百余年前 13:09 在天都街入口处 13:14 那位假丹境的前辈 13:17 旁边的另一人噻 13:21 看来韩某当时给道友留下的印象 13:24 着实一般啊 13:27 想来也是 13:29 以韩某当日的修为 13:30 多半是难入两位姑娘的法眼 13:34 原来如此 13:36 道友切莫见怪 13:39 没想到一样百余年未见 13:41 道友竟然从炼气期修炼到了结丹期 13:44 实力还如此高深 13:46 就连阴灵兽王都难称敌手 13:51 与她相遇时 13:52 我已是筑基修为了 13:54 加之诸多奇遇苦修不辍 13:57 这才有所进益 13:59 此女却在短短百年间 14:01 就从炼气修到结丹 14:03 不是天赋异禀 14:05 就是另有奇遇 14:09 韩前辈 14:10 既然是熟人 14:12 那咱们可得跟她把话说清楚 14:17 这阴灵兽王留下的法宝 14:19 归韩前辈所有 14:22 元道友没意见吧 14:26 然后这些杂兵阴灵留下的灰烬 14:29 名为阴灵灰 14:31 世间少有 14:32 对于辅助凝炼神魂颇有功效 14:35 咱们二人可以平分 14:42 可惜元姑娘的小猴子 14:44 已经吞了好多了 14:46 好可惜啊 14:48 这可至少损失了百颗中等灵石呢 14:58 还吃不丢人 15:16 那要是元姑娘不介意 15:18 剩下的这些灰烬 15:20 小女子就笑纳了 15:48 原来如此 15:50 还真是造化弄人 16:04 前辈这下就都干净了 16:11 适才那是 16:13 留影珠 16:14 好了好了 16:15 等安全了再给二位解释 16:17 还是先上路吧 16:19 这里可不是久留之地 16:20 万一还有什么棘手的敌人出现 16:23 就麻烦了 16:56 禀大长老 16:57 这一关卡减员不多 16:59 大多是些没什么根脚的散修 17:03 都是些心智不坚的 17:06 区区阴灵 17:08 只要不被迷了心智 17:10 岂有闯不过之理 17:12 大长老英明 17:13 这些无胆匪类 17:15 死不足惜 17:16 去伪存真方是正道 17:19 好了时辰到了 17:21 该正戏开场了 19:26 积累善功 之少年侠气 19:27 你们就可以从这里 19:29 得到想要的一切 19:32 我等舍身取义 19:33 正在今日 19:35 今日前来 19:36 就是要取你性命 19:38 人死面朝天 19:40 不死万万年
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